a silly, little while ago i made up (yes, "made up") a silly, little love story about a sex addict trying true love and leaving his sexadelic past behind using the names of the artists and or the names of the songs. long walks by the balearic beach and cosmic candles crawling out of your ass and all that funky fresh stuff. here goes!

I wanna be your lover and now love has come around! I'll take you on my aeroplane to Paris (I promise!), but oh no, you might find out I'm a R'n'B drunkie and although I try to shed my Balearic incarnation it's like a dream I can't stop dreaming (with my wang) and it's still going and going... Oh, what a situation! Always trying to get fresh at the weekend, showing out my wang when it's on the rise. Dreadful moodiness, I just need some emotional rescue! Oh why, cruel fate?! Why testeth thou me so... uhm -eth? I can't kill the lady (in my heart, duh). No, it's too late... Here my love is! MORE, MORE, MORE!

but sadly cool, right? right.

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